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  • Category: General

    April 22 - earth day

    April 22nd is celebrated all over the world as Earth Day. This year's celebration is by organizing 'a billion acts of green'. It is coordinated by Earth Day Network. The programme is planned in such a way that one billion acts of green by individuals will be registered. These acts are aimed at reducing carbon emissions and supporting sustainability. Each one of us can add our mite to this great action.
  • #3548
    I think what he said is exactly correct.On such an occassion we all are supposed to take a decision to be conscious about the fact that we are into a great danger ahead.And to overcome the issues coming up, to save the next generation from all those natural calamities, we have to be alert.In each and every day to day matters we should be aware of the present and real condition of our planet.and we have to do something for that.It may be by avoiding the use of plastics, planting trees, and several other issues that our environment suffers.Also as it is Earth's day there is also a dedication towards other human beings too.

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