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Category: Cricket
This is forum Section. This section is meant for discussing different topics. You just initiate several forum topics, no use with them. From your posts, we didn't get an idea what you are supposed to discuss. You just post some sentences. It is not allowed. Give your thoughts about the topic and then the members will respond to them. Otherwise, we have to delete the forum.
With Regards,
Sobhana K.B
This is forum Section. This section is meant for discussing different topics. You just initiate several forum topics, no use with them. From your posts, we didn't get an idea what you are supposed to discuss. You just post some sentences. It is not allowed. Give your thoughts about the topic and then the members will respond to them. Otherwise, we have to delete the forum.
With Regards,
Sobhana K.B
Hi Sindhu,
Welcome to SPK. As Roshin said the forums are meant for discussing topics. You can discuss anything here. But the topics must be clear. You can also ask about your doubts and suggestions in the forum.
You can use article section to write articles. You can write anything about Kerala. But it should be self written. You are allowed to refer other websites but the content should be written in your own words. To get a full view of websites go through posting guidelines and help topics.
Forum Editor SPK
Welcome to SPK. As Roshin said the forums are meant for discussing topics. You can discuss anything here. But the topics must be clear. You can also ask about your doubts and suggestions in the forum.
You can use article section to write articles. You can write anything about Kerala. But it should be self written. You are allowed to refer other websites but the content should be written in your own words. To get a full view of websites go through posting guidelines and help topics.
Forum Editor SPK
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