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  • Category: Latest Kerala News

    UDF to face heat over host of issues in assembly

    The hot news today is that the UDF will have a very hot time time in its 1st session itself. It is expected that the CPIM led opposition will turn full heat on the UDF. In fact from day of the existence of the new government the LDF has started its 'opposition' activities.

    Before the formation of the ministry there was overtime in their camp wishing and predicting trouble in reaching an understanding as to the number of ministers from each constituent of the UDF. When the 1st team of 7 ministers took oath, the LDF was slightly disappointed and started issuing mischievous statements about the portfolios and the remaining team members for the ministry. When the portfolios and new ministers did not create problem for the UDF LDF started to threaten about inclusion of 'tainted' ministers. Then came the demand of 5th minister for Muslim league and the posts of Chief Whip and Deputy Speaker posts. LDF was day dreaming for some sure trouble. That hope also was shattered. Unfortunately for the LDF some of its deeds started coming home to roost.

    In the meantime, the UDF went on with their job in a good manner till now which denied an opportunity to the lDF to beat the UDF. The LDF is waiting for the Assembly Session with a hope of getting some stick to beat the UDF. However, we have to wait and watch as to what is in store. The LDF also will not find itself in a comfortable position as their deeds are going to come out more and more in the open.

    The LDF is thinking of taking up the issues of unrest in the higher education sector, surfacing of fraudulent financial rackets and sexual harassment cases etc to create problems if possible or at least embarrass the UDF. They have to do it very hard as otherwise their lapses will get focused in the minds of the public. The UDF also has to be very careful to avoid the pitfalls and slack functioning for their own good.
  • #4265
    The Kerala assembly will witness some good fight between UDF and LDF. The presence of 68 members in opposition will really creates trouble in UDF. At present UDF was able to create a good image among people by declaring some good schemes for common people. But we don't know what happens in Kerala assembly. Lets wait and see some of the hottest discussions in Kerala assembly in this year.
    Forum Editor SPK

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