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  • Category: General

    How to save our youth from road accidents? Discuss

    Road accidents are increasing nowadays.

    Everyday media reports news related to accidental death. This is happening everywhere in the world. In Kerala, majority of the road accidents are related to the over speeding of vehicles. Among the vehicles, bikes & buses are the main culprit as per the yearly reports published by the Government. In an accident that occurred on 22 November 2011 in Alleppey district, Kerala state,India, three
    persons were killed due to over speed and without a motorcycle helmet. Some youths are interested in riding their vehicles at a very high speed even though they know the consequences, they are not giving much importance to it. That means riding vehicles at a high speed is a craze for the young generation.

    a. How can we tell our young generation about the consequences of riding a vehicle at high speed?

    b. How can we prevent road accidents?

    c. Who can guide the young generation about safe-riding?

    Give your opinions so we can save our youth..

  • #5118
    You have raised a pertinent point for discussion. (My only observation is that it need not restrict to youth alone, it affects everybody).

    Careless driving is one of the major reasons that lead to accidents. Speed control is very often lost when one is in the driver's seat, especially when it is a two wheeler. Youth very often forget that the road is used by others as well.
    Road condition is another reason for accidents. Maintenance of roads in Kerala is very poor. Once it rains, water fills the potholes and the drivers get confused about the real depth of the pothole.Two wheeler vehicles always get trapped in such places, leading to accidents.
    Ignorance of road rules or an arrogant attitude toward the laws also add to accidents. Road discipline something which is unheard by many of the drivers.
    Diverting the attention of drivers by posters, processions, etc. also lead to accidents.
    So a thorough coaching about all the above aspects will be needed when the driving license is issued. Law should take action immediately when accidents occur. Roads should be made motorable. Remove all objects which distracts the attention of drivers from the road side. Speed control must be made compulsory.

    Gold Member, SPK

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