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  • Category: 2011 Kerala Assembly Election

    What is going on Kerala

    In my opinion kerala has going in a good way in politics but need to improve. Because most of the politicians would not take so much care about there position.
  • #6673
    Political scenario of this small State, Kerala has reached the bottom as far as its morality side is concerned. Discussion in the Assembly is mainly about corruption or ladies related issues. Ministers and MLAs are involved in illegal relations and the media are celebrating these. Discussions after discussions are taking place in different channels. What a situation and what a pity.
    Gold Member, SPK

  • #6678
    I believe that this is the result if greed crosses its limit. As soon as the corrupt ministers and MLAs came to know about the ongoing scandal, instead of taking measures to stop it they tried their luck in getting a share from the scandal and ultimately got exposed.
    All these discussions may go on for sometime and soon people will forget about it.corruption and other issues have become an inseparable part of Kerala politics. Let whatever happen and whoever rule the state, corruption is always there in one form or other.

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