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  • Category: General

    Municipal solid waste generation in kerala

    Solid waste generation is the burning issue in our contemporary society. We all know that monsoon season is started; at the same time diseases related to this monsoon also arrived. The main reason for these diseases are municipal solid waste generation especially in Kerala. Kerala is popularly known as god's own country. But now Kerala is not a god's own country and becomes as a waste's own country. The main reason for this much increase in waste is rapid urbanization. Urbanization has advantages as well as disadvantage as the coin has two sides. We cannot avoid urbanization since we need to develop, what we can do is reducing the bad things with urbanization.

    Therefore, there is an necessary improved planning and implementation of proper solid waste management. There are mainly three types of wastes which are solid waste, liquid waste and gaseous waste. In Kerala we face the problem mainly from solid wastes. We know that, due to the rapid urbanization we have no area to dispose our own household solid wastes. Most of them are dumb these wastes are in sides of roads. This is not a good thing; we all have to change our own attitude to this. There are several methods to dispose our household wastes. For the better future of society we have do something like that.

    During rainy season these solid wastes are will flowing with rain water and these are will deposited in some ponds, wells, rivers, lakes, and in sea. This cause water pollution will take place. This will leads to the end of aquatic ecosystem. This will affect on biological food chain in water. When we drink water from these sources, which will causes some harmful diseases. And when we eat fishes from these water sources that will also causes such diseases.

    We have to help our future generation, so we have to change our attitude. We need back our beautiful Kerala. We need back our healthy Kerala. So let us start our activities for Kerala. We have to introduce a new principle to our life, which is 3R.
    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
  • #5555
    Waste disposal is one of the head ache problem in coveal society. There are lot of controversies are raised related to it. Most of us comply against Government for improper functioning of the above. But we are forgetting our responsibility and government is only the represent of ours. We have to make necessary cleaning method on foot level. Few days before, I have seen a news report, which says that our High court judge comes outside and clean the canal in front of his house. This is really a good steer for the society. He never looked upon his position, and give priority for the clean of surroundings. Even we are lazy to do that, at least reduce the waste generation to make our country surface clean and to make healthy generation.

  • #5560
    Waste disposal is one of the serious issue that need a careful handling. In the present day the waste is generated numerously in the day by day human activities. But the managing of such wastes is not at all carried out that necessary for the the betterment of society. The waste disposal management meant for the managing of waste disposal without any hazardous to the living things in the society. So the awareness programs about the waste disposal is necessary for the societies to make a better lifestyle. That's why we take more care about our surrounding. So we try to reuse, reduce and recycle.


  • #5569
    Kerala is a small state having large population density. The standard of living in Kerala is somewhat better than other states in India. Today, large number of industries are establishing day by day in our state. This increase in living standard and increasing industry are always good things, but at the same time, this leads to increase in deposition of waste products. The "use and throw "culture is one of the major problems of this modern society. A large volume of waste products are daily deposited in various towns in Kerala. When we look into Trivandrum district, it can be noted that the huge volume of waste is depositing daily at Vilappilshala. The establishment of proper waste disposal techniques will help to reduce the depositions of waste in various places. This will consequently help to reduce the chances of health related problems in Kerala.

  • #5573
    Hi vishnu s vishwanathan,

    In my opinion, solid waste generation is not the real problem in the present scenario. The main problem is with the indeficient waste disposal methods existing in our country. The studies has proved that around 6000 tonnes of solid wastes are being generated in our state in a week. But they are not disposed properly. The main method used by the government is the dumping of waste in a remote area. Actually, the villages of kerala are forced to bear the entire wastes. This situation has to be changed. Thus we can create a state without waste problem and communicable and water borne diseases.


    "What is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge and to tolerate ambiguity. In the end there are no certain answers."

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