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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    How to active our forums and group discussion section?

    Dear Friends,
    We all know that spider Kerala is one of the best website in India which provides detailed information about Keralites culture, tourism, famous personalities, politics and more. But still the forum section is partially inactive or dead. So we must go forward for the betterment of our forum section with help of Editors and Webmasters. Editors have already announced forum wizard award for encourage our members for active participation. So please participate in forum discussions and get ready for the forum wizard award. Your valuable suggestions are needed.
  • #5738
    Hai Niyaz,
    I joined SpiderKerala one or two hours back. But still I feel loneliness here. There is no one to respond, no one to post in forums. Where are all others? Why this site is very inactive? Where are our senior members?

  • #5739
    @ Aswin, don't be disappointed. We are all here to give you response. As you see, forum section are inactive, but we have provide a gift program to increase the active participation. Try to active in forum and other section of our site. You will get benefit for your contribution. Try to bring latest hot topics about Kerala in forum section. And try to give more detailed description on your post.

  • #5941
    Most of the Members are not interested in participating in this forum. If serious issues are posted the reactions are almost nil. Earlier some active members were there. They are not seen posting any material these days.
    Presently, as suggested in some other section by one of the members, Kerala is ripe with the discussion on 'Emerging Kerala'. The projects which are going to be presented before the gatherings at the meet are given in the related web site.Nobody has posted a thread related to it.

    Gold Member, SPK

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