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  • Category: Suggestions and Feedback

    Repeated postings as reply to own's thread

    It is noticed that the same person who has started the thread is repeatedly postings as reply. In one thread I noticed eight postings by the author himself. I feel that the author's comments can wait for a minimum period, say a week, so that no further comments would appear.

    Of course, if the thread is relating to some serious and interesting issue, perhaps, interim replies could be posted.
  • #5942
    It is also good to give a prompt reply. So that active member will be always active. And other sleep will reply on seeing the other member responce." Stitch in time save Nine " This is famous proverb.

    What do you say sir? If i am wrong please let me know? I have seen some people create issue for their benefit.People should come with better ideas.

    K K Manoj Kumar

  • #5953

    Even i have noticed such cases in the recent postings. I too share your opinion about these frequent unnecessary postings to one's own thread.

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