Conversion of paddy fields on the increase in Kerala
Majority of people in Kerala used to depend on agriculture and related activities for a living. Rice cultivation was their major occupation. But now the picture is changing. Paddy fields are being converted and residential and commercial buildings are being constructed. For constructing roads, play grounds, aerodrome, etc. also paddy fields are widely filled up.It is under this context the Honourable High Court of Kerala has reacted in strong words about this issue. The Court comments that 'even God cannot save this God's own country if this trend is continued'. If necessary actions are not taken immediately by the authorities concerned, there will be nothing to hand over to the coming generations. Though rules exist for the conservation of Wet lands, these illegal conversions are done by mis- interpretation of the same or by overcoming the clauses with artificial means.
Under this condition everybody must be aware of this and refrain from converting paddy fields for other purposes.