Today is world literacy day
Today, September 8th is celebrated as Literacy Day through out the world. There are still so many illiterate people in our country. As per the 2011 census report more than 74% people have become literate. That means that more than one fourth are still away from the world of letters. Women are more illiterate on an average. Only 65.5% are literate among them. The corresponding figure for men is 82.4%. However, the census report is showing that women are becoming literate more quickly.Kerala with 93.91 % continues to be in the top in the literacy rate among States. Interestingly, two districts in Mizoram show still high literary rates. Serchhip district (98.76%) and Aizawl district (98.50%) are those districts. Lakshadweep has a high literacy rate of 92.28% , just behind Kerala. The lowest among States is reported from Bihar (63.82%).