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  • Category: Events

    The coming monday to be observed as The World Suicide Prevention Day in Kerala.

    Increasing number of suicides have been reported each year throughout the World. Every one has the word on the tip of their tongue hen something haunts them or when life becomes complicated. Intense grief keeps on sending us impulses to quit life. "Suicide is attempted by those people who are mentally weak and unable to endure anything harsh in life", says Psychiatry.

    When suicide has become a common resolve among our farmers and youth The Department of Psychiatry, Government Medical College, Kottayam have decided to observe the coming Monday, 10 September 2012 as the World Suicide Prevention Day.

    "Suicide prevention across the globe:Strengthening protective factors and instilling hope" will be the theme of observance.

    This will act as a pioneer to implementing measures and counseling programmes to prevent the increasing number of suicides throughout the state. A step forward for a better Kerala.
  • #5991
    Suicide rate is increasing according to various reports. Kerala is one of the States with high rates of suicide. it is something to be studied; how come a State which is in front for literacy and health conditions have a first in suicide too. People are becoming discontented with what they are having. Every one is looking up. They forget there lakhs who do not have even what they have.

    Perhaps another reason for high rates is the reporting nature. Since all are educated and have access to media, everything that is happening in and around are reported in Kerala. Compared to other States Kerala do not have a rural locality now. All the places are connected with roads. Telephone facilities including mobile phones are available in every nook and corner. Hence every incident is immediately reported and recorded.

    Police are also vigilant and take cases soon. Thus records are more or less perfect. This is not the case with other States.

    Gold Member, SPK

  • #5994
    The reports receiving from the National Crime Records Bureau indicate that the number of suicides in Kerala during the year 2011 is 8,431, which forms 6.2 % of the country's total. Percentage-wise a slight decrease. At the same time the rate of suicide per lakh of the population is showing increase, 24.6 in 2010 to 25.3 in 2011. National level rate is only 11.2 in 2011, which is slightly lower than the 2010 figure, 11.4. Suicide is more among the age-group from 15 to 59.
    Gold Member, SPK

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