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  • Category: General

    Food Day and Poverty Alleviation Day

    October 16 and 17 are important dates as per UN calender. It was on one 16th of October UN started Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), and hence the day is earmarked as the World Food Day. It gives importance to Food Security in related celebrations.

    October 17th is accepted as the World Poverty Alleviation Day. UN gives much importance to this day since there are several nations suffering from poverty. As per the UN report on Human Development (2010), two crores of people in the world are in the grip of acute poverty. Among several countries in Africa around 65 % do not have food, clothing, medicine or housing facilities. Among the poorest countries in the world 33 are in Africa.

    In developing countries around 7 crore people earn only about one and one fourth dollars per day, which happens to be the upper limit of the approved poverty line in the world. Another major group earn only about two dollars per day. They are just surviving. Even within the so called developed countries about 3 % are within the poverty level.

    UN aims at bringing down the poverty level through different actions like encouraging food production and streamlining food distribution.
  • #6172
    Scarcity of food and energy have now given heavy blows all around the world and the statistical analysis shows per year increase in the affected areas. Poverty gets integrated with the issues of both food and energy crisis and UN besides making huge endeavors to control this disturbing deficiency still faces huge terms of failure each year. Energy and Food are becoming costly commodities but unavoidable criterion for the survival of all living beings. Leaving apart the cases of every other birds and beasts humans are facing such scarcity of food as his fellow being himself denies the right off a poor. If any prophet or Jesus himself was alive among us during this era I'm sure he would have surely committed suicide else died of heart attack as such is the way the world caries itself forward each day. If this is the case, UN will have to work more on the issues and I myself am ashamed to speak of availing energy and food to others as we , Keralites our self is being denied our rightful amount of energy and food due this appalling price hike that is affecting badly the life of Kerala.

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