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    Agencies coming forward to undertake waste disposal.

    Relief to the Panchayats and other instituions - who have enthusiastically undertaken the job of cobbling up plastic waste from the localities -comes in the form of Eranakulam based agency.The panchayats following the orders of the government ran up a cleaning program and collected the waste especially plastic waste from their locality this month but were troubled by the question of disposing them. Many found selling the plastic waste to plastic collectors as a remedy to the issue but an agency came up to help them dispose the waste. But seeing that the collected waste materials also included human excreta and underclothes the agency disgustingly dropped the offer. It is this week that an Eranakulam based agency have willingly come forward to take up the task of separating and disposing the plastic waste from the localities .
  • #6189
    Even earlier there were agencies collecting these wastes (non-biodegradable wastes)from houses. Also they were making payments also for waste depending on weight and type. Paper wastes used to get better payment than plastic wastes. Metallic wastes were also paid more. I am staying within the Kochi Corporation limit and this system of collection was there for about one year. But it was stopped later, I do not know why?
    Now the Corporation itself collects bio-degradable as well as non-biodegradable wastes from each houses. Bio-degradable wastes are collected every day, where as the other one once in a week. I do not know whether this system is working in all divisions.

    Gold Member, SPK

  • #6194
    The system was working everywhere with people calling out for plastic wastes and newspapers to be sold to them but now within past years such people have become a rarity. Even when people are desperate to get rid of their plastic wastes and are all ears for such calls no one shows up . Now the Panchayats are actively participating in the clean up programs but they themselves are not sure how to dispose the plastic wastes. It is then that such agencies shows up and offer reliefs. This bit of news is from the Aleppey district and so you can be positively sure that the program is active in other parts of Kerala too.

  • #6275
    Wastes are the main problems in cities. Wastes makes dirty and insects. Insects are transfer diseases from one to another. So it is a good news. It is a important thing in city life. Tiruvanantapuram and Eranakulam cities are the top most waste area. So agencies need more working to these places. Using waste disposal we can produce bio gas. So it will reduce the use of gas cylinders. My house contains a bio gas plant. So we can earn money from bio gast plant after initializing.

  • #6294
    Bio-gas plants are still not helpful when the problem is of plastic disposal. Bio degradable waste are not such a big problem but plastic is. And even bio gas plants give out slurry which have to be dispose off. Of course you can use it as a fertilizer but the issue is of plastic waste and bio gas plants are hardly a solution for that.

  • #6296
    Thanks for the reply. Some of the plastics are degradable and others are degradable. Plastics makes soil pollution. But only one method is avoid plastics.

  • #6322
    Now a day the people in almost all area in the kerala suffer by the disposal of plastic materials.The plastic material which is less than three
    micron is handful to our environment,that type of plastic materials are less degrade in is a good news that some agency collected the plastic waste and disposed it ,if it is not disposed by such agency they collected it and separated the plastic material in the measure of the micron and recycle it..This information is truly tremendous that our citys are clean and remain the name gods own country
    ,anyway thank you for your information ...

  • #6331
    I think for Kerala to return back to the glory of being God's Own Country is still a great deal of hard work to be put up. Plastic is not the sole pollutant around us. The most concerning issue is of the disposal of poultry and animal waste which even though organic waste products nowadays cause the greatest headaches to the public. All these waste from the butchers is being dumped by the roadside and simply dropped on the road as if road and roadsides are authorized dumping grounds. Plastic font at least stink but these wastes make us clutch our nose helplessly. Removal of plastic now i think is our least concern , i really hope something be done with these butcher wastes. It is terrible to see those heads and intestines and the feathers all spilling from plastic covers all with wriggling worms and stinking from yards away.

  • #6475
    Recently many Local self Governments such as Panchayats, Municipalities and Corporations are encouraging decentralised waste management. Actually that is a viable system under the Kerala condition.
    One of the method encouraged for houses is the Pipe composting method. It is a simple method.
    Two pieces of PVC pipes (with length one and a half meter each and 8" (20cm) diameter) with removable shutters on one side of each are what is needed. Take two small pit of 6 inch depth and fix these pipes one each in a pit,perpendicular to the earth, so that the removable shutter-end is at he top. Open the shutter and put the waste into the pipe and shut it again.Repeat this every day until the pipe is full. Now keep the pipe shut and start using the second pipe. In this pipe also waste can be put as in the first pipe, continue this until it is also full. By this time the waste already filled in the first pipe would have got converted itself into manure. Take the pipe and remove the manure, place it back so that it can be reused for again keeping the waste. This process can be continued. Manure can be used for kitchen gardens.

    Gold Member, SPK

  • #6479
    That is a nice news Gayathri. Thanks for sharing it us with here. It is always nice to know that something goo dis happening at least in some parts of our state.

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