Deaths due to accidents increasing in Kerala ?
Longevity of life in Kerala is the highest among the States in the country. Perhaps to compensate the late natural death more people die due to motor accidents. Motor accidents takes the life of ten people a day on an average and causes injuries to nearly 70 people.In 2005 number of deaths reported due to accidents was 3,203 which became 4,145 in the year 2011. Those injured were 51,124 and 41,379 respectively. It is to be noted that the number of accidents has come down during the period from 42,383 to 36,216. This means that the number of deaths per accidents is increasing.
Kerala is in front of suicide rate also. It is more than three times that of national average. When the national suicide average is 7 or 8 per lakh the same for Kerala is in the range of 25 to 30. Family suicide is also more in Kerala. However, it is consoling to note that this rate is showing a decreasing trend from 30.8 per lakh in 2003 to 25.5 in 2009, and 24.8 in 2010.