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  • Category: General

    Keltron bags an order from Indian Railways

    India's first and the largest electronics corporation the Kerala State Electronics Development Corporation Limited (Keltron ) has bagged an order about Rs 80 lakhs from Northern Railway . Keltron specializes for creating innovative solutions .The work is for installation of CCTV system at Railway Board in New Delhi. Around 75 numbers of High resolution IP color cameras installed at different locations and a Video Network Management System for monitor and control the video network from single location. The order would be completed before February 15, 2013.
  • #6440
    It is a great job assigned to Kerala State Electronics Development Corporation Limited (Keltron). We all can be proud of this achievement by KELTRON. Secondly implementation of CCTV in railway board is a good start and is really essential. I hope soon CCTVs will be implemented in our trains and railway stations in all states. This will prevent crimes to a great extent. Eureka! India is developing.

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