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  • Category: Events

    Applications are inviting for Kissan Credit card

    Application form for Kissan Credit Card available at Pavithreswaram Panchayat ,Puthur .Farmers at this Panchayat can avail this facility between 9/12/2012 to 12/12/2012 from Krishibhavan,Pavithreswaram Panchayat.
  • #6454
    A helpful information for the farmers who are the back bone of our country. Nowadays the main problem affecting by the farmers is that they are not aware or they are not getting up to date information about the projects which runs for the development of farmers. These kind of information will help them to know about the projects early as possible and help them to be a part of it. Good work.

  • #6486
    Dear Bipin Varghese,

    Like Muhammed Aneez said, this is a helpful thread posted by you. But as most of the farmers do not check online or internet, it is our duty to make them aware of this facility.

    There are many good facilities available in our country for the low income group but the saddest thing is that most of them are not aware of these facilities and thus can't make proper use of it.

    We all should personally make it a point to inform the farmers in our neighborhood so that at least some of them will get benefited.

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