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  • Category: Report Issues

    Should film stars stop coming in reality shows and stage shows?

    This thread is to discuss the opinion poll topic 'Should film stars stop coming in reality shows and stage shows?'.
  • #646
    Hi Lijin,

    In my opinion there shouldn't be any restrictions to film stars for coming in reality shows and stage shows. They are also normal people like us and they have the right to do what they want to. The problems in Malayalam film industry are not because of this reason. The good films are always accepted by the people of Kerala even it didn't have any super stars. So the crisis faced by Malayalam film industry is just because of the lack of films with good stories.


  • #674
    Hi Syam,

    I think you are right, they have their own choice. But on a small extend this will reduce the chances of other artists in serial world. What is the need of Nedu Mudi Venu and Jagathish to act in serials? It is not because they are not getting any chances in Mollywood.

    Interviews and other small programs like quizzes are acceptable. Moreover, film stars are the best celebrities for these programs

    Therefore, I think that there should be some restrictions to film stars acting in serials.

    Lijin T

    Lijin T

  • #923
    while disagreeing with lijin,I feel there should be no bias between artists of stage,miniscreen and mega screen.When colour tv was introduced in kerala, these artists raised their concerns saying miniscreen could destroy the prospect of a movie on a big sccreen. so, today,nobody go to cinema theatres?in fact it proved otherwise.
    any healthy media should be seen with the viewer point of view.the film stars are not supernatural personalities.they work in tv programmes also for money, not free.whereas serial stars are not less than 2000 when you compare to cinestars.

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