I cannot able to post contents
I cannot able to post contents. the below message appeared.Restricted Access
You may have reached here for one of the following reasons:
* Your content posting rights were removed in a specific section you attempted to post for repeatedly violating posting guidelines in that section.
* The section you attempted to post require special permissions. Member require special permission from us to post content in some sections.
We have very strict policies to make sure that we have high quality content posted by members with good English and appropriate knowledge.
If you think you are qualified to post content in the section, please post a request in the Forum with details about yourself, qualification and your knowledge in the specific content you like to post. Remember to mention the section you like to contribute content. We must be convinced about your ability from your forum post.
When you contact us through Forum, remember to use appropriate grammar and spelling. We will decide whether to allow you or not will be based on your message