Sahitya academy award to M.N.Palloor

The year 2013 ended with the announcement of Kendra Sahitya academy awards for various Books published in Indian languages. In Malayalam the award was bagged by the book 'kathayillaathavante katha' (story of a story-less person)written by M.N.Paloor, a known Malayalam poet. Actually it is not a collection of poems, as one may expect since the author is a poet. It is his auto-biography written in his colloquial language touching all major incidences of his life.

It is worth reading since he describes how with his will power he came to a successful life. He started with a very poor background. He was not having any means to learn, but he managed to study Sanskrit, Kathakali, motor car driving, even some mechanism. He left Kerala and had very difficult time in Mumbai. However finally he got recognized as a Malayalam poet, through his poems published in various magazines. All the details can be read from this book, Kathayillathavante Katha.