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  • Category: General

    How to maintain a healthy and fit body

    Health is a major aspect in our life. A person should maintain a good health inorder to perform well and succeed in life. The new way of eating food and introduction of different fast foods have seriously affected the metabolism of our body. Our style and way of eating items are the main reason for causing non curable diseases like cancer and all. Suggest some important tips that we should follow inorder to be safe and healthy in life. Best safe.
  • #6919
    Major things one should follow for a healthy living is maintaining health by following good food habit and doing necessary bodily exercise. Good food habit is mainly going for healthy food, avoid junk food (bakery items). See that the food you take contains all nutrients required for keeping a healthy life.
    Young people should set apart one or two hours for out-door games. Elderly persons can walk minimum 45 minutes keeping relatively good speed.
    Above all keep your mind active with positive thoughts.Lead a tension free life. Face all problem lightly and find solutions. Keep anger off your life, if possible.

    Gold Member, SPK

  • #7076
    Rede more about Food which builds nd maintains our body in our website

  • #7357
    To maintain Healthy and fit body....
    1. Good eating habit{Rich Breakfast.....Medium Lunch......Poor Dinner}
    2. Normal Exercise to your body....{30 - 45 min Walk}
    3. Early to bed...early to rise.....
    4. Cloth according to season....
    5. Avoid too much spice.....Oil....junk food
    6. Drink at-least 10 glass of water everyday
    More can be added but some from my side.........

  • #7364
    A healthy and a fit body is necessary for everyone in order to continue a better life in our world. So we must do all the things we can to maintain a fit body.
    The first and the most important thing to do is to eat all types of food. We should eat our food according to our ages. If you are a youngster or a child you should eat food rich in all nutrients. Drink milk which is a balanced diet and contains all nutrients. If you are an adult don't eat food rich in fat.
    You should do different types of exercise. If you can take maximum push ups and pull ups.
    Sleep well. Children should sleep for at least 8 hours. Adults should sleep for at least 7 hours.

    By doing all this we can maintain a healthy body.

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