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  • Category: General

    Do the women in Kerala get their share?

    Women in Kerala are in front of their counterparts in other States of India. In literacy rate, education, mother death rate, etc.they are ahead of others. But when it comes to work participation, ownership of properties, right to take decisions at home as well as in the society, security both inside and outside they are far behind when compared with those in other States. What could be the reason for this?
  • #7008
    Dear Sir,
    I am explaining my views.
    If you give opportunities to all, everybody will perform irrespective of gender. In Kerala, successive Governments have given importance to Education and medical care. That is why we are in a commendable position in these fields.
    But in the case of work participation, ownership properties, right to take decision at home, opportunities are skewed towards male. These can be corrected by proper legislation.

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