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  • Category: General

    Today 22 March is World water day

    Water is so precious, no animal including humans, can live without it. Man can survive without food for months, but without water not even three days he can survive. We are actually forgetting the importance of water when we misuse it, pollute it, waste it.
    In Kerala we are getting 300 cm rain every year. but we are now buy drinking water within a couple of months after the rainy season. Why we are not concerned about preserving it when it falls in front of our house, on our hills, in our forests, in our rivers, etc.
    Water resource is depleting under the ground, because we do not allow the water to go down the earth. We cut down the trees, destroy hills, remove rocks,fill the paddy fields and ponds with soil brought from hills, we remove sand from river beds; all these inversely help preserve water on the surface of earth.
    We are going to face a very serious problem as far as water is concerned with in the near future.
  • #7033
    It is shameful that Kerala, once glorified as land of rivers and lakes is facing acute shortage of potable water.
    State has 44 rivers, 900 tributaries and seven lakes, yet Govt has to think of rationing water.
    We can't stop sand mining in rivers, soil quarrying, cutting of trees, destroying hills, reclamation of wetlands/paddy lands etc etc.
    Only solution I am seeing is putting costly desalination plants (converting sea water to potable water) and distributing through the piped network throughout the state. Water will become costlier than petrol.

  • #7034
    Yes, desalination is a solution, but can our economy afford it? But every member of the society can do something toward conservation of water. Storage of rain water, less consumption of available water (we use flush tanks of 5 or more litter capacity in our toilets.When we urinate, may be 300 ml or more, we just flush it with 5 litter fresh water!), plant as many trees as possible, protect paddy fields, reduce sand mining, leave forests alone as far as possible, like this several things we can attempt. All may not be successful, but at least a small portion could be protected and thereby save some water?
    Gold Member, SPK

  • #7035
    If you put 1 littre water bottle in toilet flush tank having capacity of 5 litters, you can save 1 littre water in each flush.
    Now a days Environment Department is insisting properly designed rain water harvesting system for runoff water in real estate projects. It is a good sign.
    Awareness makes lot of difference

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