Gods own Country..! How catchy tag
Gods own Country..! How catchy tagMr Walter Mendiz, who was the creative director of advertising agency Mudra communications, coined the phrase 'Gods own country" in the year 1989 on the request of Tourism Department of Kerala when Govt wished to market its high tourism potentialities before the travel world. As the tag was so catchy, the tourist folks developed a love to see the land. No one could question the role it played in making tourism the most profitable sector in the state.
The myth about the origin of Kerala is that Parasurama threw his battle axe from Kanyakumari to northward across the ocean. As a result of the throw the land of Kerala arose and thus was reclaimed from the waters. But we do not know the myth influenced him for coining the tag.
In the phrase "Gods own country", choice of God is yours.
If you choose the God as Saraswati ; the God of Education, you can see the Kerala;s advancement in education and literacy .
If you choose the God as Lakshmi, the God of richness, you can find Keralites lust for gold.
If you choose the God as Bacchus, the Roman god of wine, you can feel ever increasing alcohol addiction of our people!
Without visiting the state even once, he could visualize the culture and hospitality of Malayalees.As he is no more in this world now, we can give his creative mind a big salute.