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  • Category: General

    Do not try to save the world..!

    Do not try to save the world..!
    We should give up trying to save the world from climate change instead retreat to the climate controlled cities says well known scientist and inventor James Lovelock.
    Saving the planet from climate change is beyond our ability and we should stop wasting time trying to tackle global warming.
    James Lovelock who first detected CFC in atmosphere claim that society should retreat to the climate controlled cities and give up of large expanses of land which will become uninhabitable.
    In March, the Intergovernmental panel on climate change said that global warming would increase flooding, storm surges, draughts and heat waves.
    In a changing climate cities are less vulnerable to external heat than our individuals. If most of us lived in cities as it seems we soon will do. The regulation of the climate of these cities might be far easier, more economical and more safer option in a hot climate than the regulation by geo engineering of the whole planet.
    He also claimed that the life on Earth could move away from organic creatures towards computerized life forms.
    You can read recently published book " A rough ride to the future" by James Lovelock.
  • #7121
    Good idea, but is it practically possible. How to make city climate proof? If that is made how many can live there. Around seven hundred crore people are there, will it be possible to accommodate this large number of people there. Where it will be made? Like this several questions need satisfactory answers.

    May be this is possible in a science fiction. Or is it a reproduction from a fiction?

    However this climate change and the slow growth indicated in the temperature might not lead to such a calamity level so soon, that is what is to be expected. Nature itself will work out a solution to this as a parallel action, that is what I feel.

    Gold Member, SPK

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