Edmund Thomas Clint - The Master Of Paintings In Kerala
Edmund Thomas Clint was one of the best child painters which the world has ever seen. He was a Kerala boy who painted 25000 majestic pictures during his 7 year old lifetime. But he said good bye to the world before he could grow up into the world. Now read about him...........
We can see some pictures here. The common thing in all these pictures is their sense of beauty. We would have a feeling that it was drawn by a well and an efficient painter. But the hard thing to believe here is that all these pictures were drawn by a small child. Yes these pictures were drawn by a small boy who was born in Ernakulam who only had a lifetime of seven years in this world. When we sits and draw we would just see a rabbit in him drawing amazing pictures. There was something important on his face. He was none other than Edmund Thomas Clint. There would be none in Kerala who have not heard that name. By seeing these pictures all would surely say hat he is truly "The Master of Paintings in Kerala".

Edmund Thomas Clint was born in Ernakulam in 1976 May 19. He was the only son of M T Joseph and Chinnammma Joseph. During his small lifetime he drew as many as pictures that a normal man can do in their full lifetime. Even his small drawing was considered as a painting. It is impossible to say when he started drawing pictures. When he was crawling in the floor he would use to draw pictures. During his fist birthday his father gave him a chalk which Clint used to draw large pictures down in the floor. Later Clint came to draw pictures with everything that he got in his hands. It was only later that his parents came to consider as a serious thing.
In his small career Clint drew a large number of pictures. His life in this world was only for 2512 days. But during this period he had drawn at least 25000 paintings. When their family was living in an apartment in Thevara Clint would draw a large number of paintings. These included those of fishes, trees, owls and other wild animals too majestically. He also used to draw incidents of Hindu mythologies. The most amazing thing here is that he had drawn these pictures before seeing such things. One day his mother put one of his drawings in waste basket. At that time Clint told his mother not to destroy his paintings. It was only then his family started collecting pictures.
We can see something amazing in every pictures he drew. A person starts drawing with brushes years after colour years after he starts drawing with pencil. But Clint was really different. He started drawing pictures with his brush when he was just three years old. The world looked amazed at him by seeing him draw pictures using brushes and paint at the age of 4. It was much beautiful. Clint learned to write and read in the age of 2. When he was 4 years old he learnt to read english. When he was just 5 years old he won the painting competition for children below 18 years old. He made all the children who was almost thrice his age behind him.
Even though he was given one of the greatest talents he could not grow into the peak of the world. Clint was affected by a disease in kidney when he was just three years old. When he was nearing seven years the disease worsened. And finally the master left our world. 1983 April 15, Clint was just 6 years and 11 months old. He was laying down in her mother's lap while she was reading out to him the bible. After some time Clint said "Mother, i am going to sleep now. Sometimes you would not see me open my eyes again". This were the last words from that child painter. He never opened his eyes again. Yes, he died in his sleep due to a kidney failure. Thus an other lamp has extinguished from our glorious world.
Edmund Thomas Clint is considered as the best painter in Kerala now and then. His works were displayed in exhibitions in Thiruvananthapuram several times. Clint memorial painting is conducted every year for his remembrance. Also several biographies were also written about this star of Kerala. Clint road in Kochi is also named after him
Clint was a right model to everyone in this world. God has gifted us with one or more talent. There are many others like Clint who could not grow to the peak of the world. But we have been gifted an opportunity and talents to grow to the peak of the world and we should also be able to fully utilize. Thus we can be the holders of great talents in our small world. Let us hope that new children with splendid talents grows in Kerala. To the readers i would like to say you should clap at least once for our great master.
Thank You.....