How to achieve good mark in exam
5 study tipsHere given the 5 important study tips that help you to achieve good mark in your examination
1) Buy additional note book for each subject and write summary of the each chapter taken on the class in your own words
2) Learn how to make cluster map and other. Mind maps are graphical illustration of a subject and a great memory tool to use, especially during exams.
3) It is better to take a book from the library and read more information about the topic taken in the class.
4) Don't do rough drafts for essays just do the good copy straight way, but thoroughly as well. Make a reminder for exam days by marking the dates on a calendar.
5) Make a good time table which cove all the portion before the exam come.
6) Avoid continuous studying. Take 15 minute rest after a 45 study.
7) Avoid the habit of by heart.
8) Keep a dictionary always with you when you are study.
9) Find a good place for studying which is free from sound of vehicles, TV etc. so your mind not go from the topic.
10) Avoid the habit of studying at the time of exam.