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  • Category: General

    Has technology made the world smaller?

    We know that we are living in a world of vast technology. The question here is whether these technologies has made the world smaller. I think the answer to this is yes. We know we are living in a century of fast means of transport. With these fast means such as aeroplanes and bullet trains we can move from one place to other quickly. Also by using mobile phones and computers we can send messages instantly to people living in any part of the world. Earlier all this were considered impossible and the earth itself was considered as a big thing. But today the technology has made it smaller. Today the earth can be conquered within days and in the future it would reduce to hours. So share your opinions regarding this below. Hoping great participation down from the members.
  • #7656
    With the technology increasing day by day the world is getting smaller and smaller. Today the science is creating new and new faster means. In the future even the solar system can be conquored by the humans as today it is no longer considered as an impossible task. Today science in addition to make the world smaller is trying to find out a new world where life can exist. So we can just pray down for the better future of our race.

    Thank you.

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