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  • Category: Suggestions and Feedback

    New members - Doubts and suggestions invited

    There are many things that a content writer should learn before posting resources in spiderkerala. There are many top articles posted in spiderkerala by our members and go through them to get a some idea on how to submit article. Never go directly for the kill rather get the advises from experienced members here. Its been a happy moment for the site as many new members have joined SPK and showed some sincere dedication here. This forum is dedicated for all the new members to clear their doubts on how to post contents and even any other tips that you needed to get. Clarify your doubts below and our webmaster and members will guide you through. Best wishes.
  • #7402
    I do want to take this opportunity to know from the webmaster and seniors about the topics which should be selected. I feel that Spiderkerala is a niche website which focus only on Kerala related topics. So, what are the topics which can fetch more readers? How can I become a successful writer?
    Thank You
    Jeevan Mathew

  • #7412
    At the beginning you should post forums on different topics and earn points . You even get points on responses once u gte well versed with this you will be given topics to wire article if you need or you could even choose any topics related to kerala on your own. For forums you should concentrate on recent happenings throughout kerala.

  • #7413
    How can i know why the article is not given points or either deleted. To whom should i contact or in what way i can know about it.?

  • #7415
    We are happy to help you to clear any of your doubts and this forum is specially for all the new members in spiderkerala. Always keep this in your mind that only sincere and dedicated members could achieve more from the site. So spare some of your time from your busy schedule for spiderkerala and we guarantee that you will have much benefits. As a new member you may have a bunch of doubts. So clear them through this forum to elevate you future here in SPK.

    Before entering straight away to resource section you should learn all our rules and guidelines provided in the site and be active in forum sections. This is how we rate you. Gradually by going through articles posted by our authors, you will get an idea on the manner of posting. Use html properly and divide the article to appropriate paragraphs and make it short and sweet. A resource with not more than 1000 words is appropriate.

    Now about the topics. This is the important move that you should take while you post resources. Always choose a topic which is rare and less available in search engines. You can write about biographies of famous personalities, upcoming new movies which is to be released, institutions, emerging restaurants and resorts, etc. If you resource is unpopular and less traffic catching or poor quality then it will be deleted. To be a great writer its essential to develop your hold on english and forum sections are provided for such members to develop in fly high in future. So think twice before you do a move and build a strong bond with spiderkerala. Best wishes.

  • #7417
    How can we delete an article that we have made and is under the category of new submissions. I have recently posted an article named V.M. Sudheeran. And i have accidently posted a copy of the same. I wanted to delete one. Could you provide me some help??????????????????????

  • #7421
    Its only possible for the webmaster to delete a content which is posted. But for a member it is possible to dump it to draft. For that you should enter the edit opinion and submit your respective article after clicking "Not yet to be published". Then when you post a new article you could enter to it and submit it in that article if needed.

    It would be useful for all members if delete option was added. Hope webmaster would give suitable suggestion for this.

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