Should KSRTC be Privatised? - Open Debate
Should KSRTC be Privatised? - Open Debate. KSRTC Kerala State Road Transport Service, one of the institution under the government which if could be run properly, would alone be able to contribute to a huge chunk of Kerala's revenue in terms of profit to government. But the condition is so pathetic that now KSRTC is at the brim of collapse. The amount of resources that KSRTC has is all in waste as it is being run in loss.There are many options amongst which one beeing that if KSRTC is privatised then may be it could elevate its condition to a better position.But at the same time if it is privatised there are lots of complications to it.For the motion- Yes, KSRTC should be privatised
Against the motion- No, KSRTC should not be privatised.