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  • Category: General

    Report not to defame Royal family - Amicus Curie

    Yesterday the Royal family came against Gopal Subramanian, Amicus Curie of SC to the effect that he is biased and approached the SC for remedy. As a response to it Gopal Subramanian reacted that he has no intention to defame anyone but has to report to SC about the facts. According to him while he has no grudge against any one, he has to be fair to the temple whose property is under scrutiny.

    The whole case and the public being aware of the immense wealth of the temple is due to an allegation against the trustees by one ardent devotee of the deity who was a retired IPS official. Since the case is pending with the SC for final verdict, the Royal family can present their view to the court. The court will decide only after hearing all parties concerned and on evidences.
  • #7713
    Public has no access to the background of what are happening in relation to the Sri Padmanabha swami temple and the immense wealth there. How the wealth has got accumulated in the temple? The temple was with the Travancore Raja family from the very beginning. Naturally the wealth also. But it was safely kept there without loss. Now the allegations are raised against the family. An enquiry is being held. Certain findings are coming out. Nobody knows the details.
    Gold Member, SPK

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