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  • Category: General

    If God offers you a wish then what will you do with it ?

    I always dreamed to get at least one wish from God so that i could do something for the benefit of others. But most of us would use it as free will because we are not even bothered or witnessed other people's sufferings. I would wish to feed the poor and bring as much happiness that i am enjoying in their life.

    So i invite all our members to share your wish and the reason why you chose the particular one. Hoping for some strong responses. Best wishes.
  • #7747
    I appreciate Cijo for his kind and helping mentality. Its true that I too would be happy wishing such wishes but to be frank and straight forward, if I am given such an opportunity then I think that my selfishness would curb my desires of social service. Yes on reading this some of you may think that what kind of person I am. But it's for a fact I think, tough i would like to work for the betterment of others but such an offer may corrupt my thinking. I truly wish from bottom of my heart that if such an offer is given to me then i shouldn't fall prey to my selfish desire. And if itd to the extend that I could not control myself then let God give such wishes to pure hearted men like Cijo.

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