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  • Category: General

    Basic information and population density map of kerala

    Malappuram is the most populated district and has a population of 41,10,956 people. Second comes Thiruvananthapuram with a population of 33,07,284 people followed by Ernakulam with 32,79,860 people. Wayanad is the least populated district followed by Idukki and Kasargod.
    Whereas, Thiruvananthapuram with a population density of 1509 persons per is the most densely populated district in Kerala followed by Alappuzha with 1501 people per and Kozhikode with 1318 persons per Idukki with a density of just 254 persons per is the least densely populated district followed by Wayanad with a density of 383 persons. The average density of population of the state is 819 persons per
    Kerala's urban population figures to 1,74,55,506 persons which is about one-fourth of the total population. Rural population in Kerala is 1,59,32,171. Of the total population of Kerala, working population (main and marginal workers) constitute 32.3% and non-workers form 67.7%.
    As per the Census 2001 data, Hindus, who constitute 56.20 per cent of the total population, is the most prominent religious community in the state. This is followed byMuslims who form 24.7 per cent of the population and Christians who constitute 19 percent of the total population. Also, a small number of Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Jews and other religious communities are also present
  • #7796
    The author would have given the corresponding figures in 2001 census also. That would help to know the changes taken place during ten years. The total population of the State stands at 33,387,677. In 2001 census this figure was 31838619.
    The population of Malappuram district was 3629640.

    Gold Member, SPK

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