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  • Category: Travel and Tourism

    Kerala news

    In our Platform, KERALA NEWS, there are only two links "Educational News and Kerala Politics". Kerala News should be given prominence, I feel as the thousands of Malayalees can have the advantage of getting the news through these columns, if at all they miss the chance in Malayalam Channels or Newspapers. The first step towards getting such a prominence is to include a GENERAL category so that News items other than Educational and Politics can be reported. Moreover, prominence can be achieved only if the Webmaster browses them without delay and places them for all. After all, ysterday's newspaper is not read today.
  • #1179
    Dear friend,
    The very site is giving priority to Kerala and the news related to Kerala. The title of the site itself is a proof for that. Hence it need not be separately mentioned in each case.
    You can post any item related our state in the appropriate section.
    with regards

    Gold Member, SPK

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