Condition of Roads in Kerala and the rate of accidents
Now the world is growing so fats, or we can call it as a Fast World. Nobody got time to think about the consequences. We can see that, even the price of commodities grow so fast. As a result of all these things, we are planning to have a 45m road corridor for the fast traffic. But, one thing we should cosider that the fast world is taking so much lives on the road. Whether it is a Tipper or Bus or Bike, or whatever vehicle it may be, we can see that if the road width is low or if the road condition is poor, they observe a speed with which they can control the vehicle. As the condition of the road gets better or as the road become wider, they observe a speed with which they may loose their vehicle control, to make an accident. A majority of accidents are due to overspeed. And, the accidents and loss of lives are very low in poor roads.We should be ready to observe the road rules before going for the better roads. For this, there should be some initiative from the rulers to force the common man to obey the road rules for their own safety.
There is a rule in motor vehicle act to wear the helmet while driving the bike. 100% people know that it is a must. Still, they are not ready to obey the rule. Why? Even the police and rulers make so much revenue from charging paople for not wearing the helmet. Still they are not wearing. Why ? Some bike travellers turn their vehicle back while they see the police checking. Still, they won't wear it.
Will the helmet save their life in an accident in our road conditions ?
What is the use of getting the head intact while the body is in a juicy state ?
Is the head of the back seater also safe by wearing a helmet by the rider only ?
Why these judges force the people to wear the helmet ?
Is the traffic police forcing the people to wear it or trying to make money ?
Think about the business tactics in this.
This helmet story is only an example. Don't consider it in a bad sense.