StatCounter - Traffic reports, page view counter and AdSense click monitoring tool

You may use the StatCounter to view the traffic statistics to your content pages and analyze various patters to further optimize your content to improve the traffic to your pages.

StatCounter is a third party solution where you can create an account with them and generate some scripts to use in your sites to monitor site traffic. Using StatCounter in our site is slightly different from their normal process. Learn how to use StatCounter to track click activity on your AdSense Ads.

Follow the steps exactly as shown below to use StatCounter here:

1. Register for an account with

2. Proceed to add a project by choosing default options.

3. Provide the following details to add a new project:
  • Website Title: SpiderKerala
  • Website Url:
  • Allow anyone to view your stats: Uncheck this option
Choose other options as you like.

4. Proceed to Configure & Install Code

5. Choose the option "Invisible Counter" by clicking on the corresponding Radio button on the right side.

6. Proceed with Default Installation Guide without enabling any other options.

You will get the code that look like the following:

<!-- Start of StatCounter Code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var sc_project = 00000000;
var sc_invisible = 1;
var sc_security = "xxxxxxx";

<script type="text/javascript"
class="statcounter"><a title="weebly analytics"
href="" target="_blank"><img
alt="weebly analytics" ></a></div></noscript>
<!-- End of StatCounter Code -->

In the above code, note the 2 fields with the name sc_project and sc_security. In the above sample, we have shown the values 00000000 and xxxxxxx respectively, but you will see some other real values there. Copy those values exactly as given in YOUR code and provide below.

sc_project value:
sc_security value:

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