Kerala Employment Exchange Online Registration renewal process and jobs offered
Are you looking for Kerala Employment Exchange online registration or renewal process? Then you have landed in the perfect location to read our resource on how to register for the Kerala Employment exchange program online and procedure for the renewal process for the employment process. You can check out the job opportunities covered in the Kerala Employment exchange from 2013 year.
The employment exchange registration for the state of Kerala is an important process for those candidates who wish to register themselves for Government job opportunities offered by the Government of Kerala state. The employment exchange is renewed every year from time to time to include new candidates in the list and provides job opportunities to all the Kerala candidates who successfully have their names in the list. In order to facilitate the scheme, the Government has made provision of online registration of Kerala Employment Exchange scheme along with its offline mode. The offline mode is quite a long process and requires candidate's patience to stand in long queues and verify the originals. Instead a short online process has been developed for candidates to facilitate a faster process.How to register online for Kerala Employment Exchange process
If you wish to register yourself for the above process, all you need to do is, submit your application online to get it verified, and provide the necessary proof of identities at the time of offline verifications. It is done in step by step manner. You can also register yourself in the same manner, and get your employment exchange card for your state of locality. Here are the brief steps to get yourself registered online:-
Step 1: Register yourself online by filling the application form from the official website.
Step 2: Quote your own user ID and password which you will receive after your registration process. You are requested to enter the data correctly as per your knowledge in the online application form, because the data will be saved for future verification purpose.
Step 3: Get yourself verified at the Employment Exchange office in Kerala according to your city. You will have to verify yourself with all the required educational documents and certificates as per the rules and regulations to the office within 60 days of your registration process including the day of registration. If you haven't registered by 60 days, all the previous saved data on the server will be deleted and you will have to get yourself registered again for the process. But not be late!
Step 4: Go the office with your personal identity cards and employment user ID as mentioned by the server during registration process. All your certificates will be required for further input of the data according to your employment profile sponsored by the Government of Kerala. Job oriented Digital Marketing Courses in Kerala.
Call +91 8138875600 for detailsHow can you renew your Kerala Employment Exchange registration process?
If you have completed your original tenure from the time of registering to the Employment Exchange program, then you will need to renew yourself again to be eligible for further employment and job opportunities from the Kerala Government. If you want to renew your application process, you will need to follow the suit of renewal process in the official website. The renewal of the original one is done in a gap of 3 years of time. So a specific time limit is also given to each candidate to renew themselves as quickly as possible without missing out the job opportunities. Here's a brief step to it:
Step 1: Don't register yourself as a beginner (New registration). Go to 'Renewal process' link in the website after you login with your ID and password.
Step 2: Follow the steps as mentioned above for the renewal process again. You will have to verify your documents of registration during this process.
Step 3: You will be done with! Now you will enjoy employment opportunities and services from the Government at your own will. Make sure you register within a stipulated period of time of 12 months from the due date to avoid cancelling of your name from the roll list.What kind of job opportunities are offered by the Kerala Employment Exchange Team?
The Kerala Employment Exchange will be responsible for providing all the Government related jobs to you according to your eligibility and profession. You will be able to access new jobs from your employment exchange profile from time to time according to your preference. Both Central and State government jobs are provided to candidates who meet the educational required standards. Every candidate will be able to access more than hundreds of jobs to be notified to him by the portal when any new releases are done. All the Government Jobs are first notified to the employment exchange candidates first and then published on the weekly newspapers. Many good recruiters recruit through this process giving local candidates the first preference to job opportunities.
If you wish you have any doubts regarding the same, we welcome your feedback and responses to our article.
Sir,I need to renew my registration and add additional qualification..