How to prepare Kerala Vegetable Stew?
Whould you like to prepare Vegetable Stew? Vegetable Stew is one of the greatest recipe in Kerala. You can easily prepare this food in your home within 30 minutes. Do you want to prepare in your home. Read here about Ingredients and preparation methods of Vegetable Stew.
Vegetable stew is traditional Kerala style dish. Where it will take only 15 min to prepare for this dish and it will hardly takes around 30 min to cock this dish. It's a sweet flavored stew dish where the spices do not overcome the natural flavor of the vegetables. In addition of aromatic spices, ginger, fresh coconut milk and olive oil which enhance the flavor of the vegetable.Ingredients of Vegetable stew
Chopped vegetables (potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, beans, green bell peppers) - 4 cups
Onion - 2
Oil - 4 tablespoon
Green Cardamoms - 4
Cloves - 4
Cinnamon - 1 piece
Green Chili - 2
Ginger sliced - 2 teaspoon
Black Pepper crushed - 1 teaspoon
Coconut Milk - 2 cups
Curry leaves - 2 sprigs
Salt to tastePreparation Method for Vegetable Stew
1) Take a pan and add some oil in it. It's best to add some olive oil in it which is good for our health.
2) Add some green cardamoms; cloves and cinnamon fry it for some time in the pan.
3) Add some ginger slice onions an green chilies and Sauté it on a medium flame around 3 minutes until the onion becomes soft.
4) Add sufficient water and cover it with a lid.
5) Cook it around for 15 minutes, on a low flame.
6) At last add crushed pepper and coconut milk and stir well.
7) Simmer for a minute and remove from heat.