Phone numbers of hospitals in Thiruvalla
List of hospitals in Thiruvalla (Kerala) and there phone numbers.
The list of hospitals in Thiruvalla and phone numbers are given below:
1) Government hospital Thiruvalla - 0469 2602494
2) Pushpagiri Medical College - 2700755
3) Medical Mission hospital - 0469 2630144, 2630145, 2630146
4) Mary Queens Nursing hospital - 0469 2738175, 2730594
5) Nakkada Mission hospital - 0469 2600360
6) Fellowship Mission hospital, Kumbanad - 0469 2664249, 2664760, 2664780
7) G.K hospital - 0469 2702621
8) T.M.M hospital - 2605069
9) Chest Clinic Muthoor - 2633467
10) Vaarba Poly Clinic - 2601515
11) Daisy Eye Clinic - 2633857, 2636089
12) Eye Micro Surgery Laser Center - 2605727, 2635645
13) Manakku hospital, Nedumbram - 0469 2632283
14) Medical Center Vennikulam - 2650444, 2650258
15) Sudarshana Eye hospital, Thiruvalla - 2630718