Some Mobile Phone Tips- Codes for Mobile Phones

Mobile phone tips, codes for mobile phones, secret codes for mobile phones, cell phone directory, emergency mobile code, emergency battery code for the mobile phones.

Codes For Your Mobile Phones

Below are some of the codes related to your mobile phone. These codes are rarely known to all. Go through them, they are interesting;

The emergence number for all the phones is 112. This is a world wide number. When your connctions are facing problems, you are alone in an area having no network coverage, you can dial 112. Your phone will search for any networks available for connections. This emergency number can also be used even if your phones are locked too.

This is the key for hidden battery power. When you are battery is not having enough charge, dial this number. Your phone will be boosted up with about 50% of energy. This reserve is always get charged when we are charging the battery next time.

Dial this number. Your phone will show a 15 digit number. This is a unique number to your phone. If your phone is stolen, report this to your sim services and tell them this 15 digit number. They will block your phone. This will make the thief unable to use your phone.

4.(800) 373 411
This will lead you to free access to the the phone directory. If you are using only 411, the mobile companies will charge you with $1 or more. So make use of this if you are in trouble.

5.How to unlock your car even if the keys are inside the car?
This is the most interesting one. You can unlock your car even if the keys are outside. But you need to have a spare key somewhere else and a mobile phone with you. Call the place where the spare key is present. And ask the person on other side to press the unlock button keeping the key close to the mobile. Keep your mobile phone close to the car, about one foot, away from the door. Don't be surprised, your car will be opened.

Try this tips and have these codes in your mobile itself. It will be useful for you. If you don't believe in this try this out. Really, it works!

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