Fried Chilly potato Roast Recipe

It is a special potato recipe.Very tasty.Potato is fried and roasted with onion,green chilly....Try this recipe.

Fried Chilly Potato Roast Recipe

Potato (Small pieces) - 500gm
Red chilly powder - 2 teaspoon
Salt - As required
Turmeric powder - 1 teaspoon
Onion chopped - 1
Tomato chopped - 1
Curry leaves - 10-12 leaves
Green Chilly - 5
Mint leaves - 3 leaves
Oil - For frying
Garlic(chopped) - 5 flakes
Mustard seeds - 1 teaspoon


1) Mix potato pieces, salt and red chilly powder. Keep for 15 minutes.

2) After 15 minutes drain potato to remove excess water.

3) Heat oil in a pan. Fry potato pieces and curry leaves in hot oil and drain.

4) Heat a pan. Pour 1 table spoon of oil (oil used for frying potato) to the hot pan. Add mustard seeds and allow to splutter. Sauté Onion, Green chilly, Garlic, Tomato, Mint leaves one by one for 10 minutes. Add Turmeric powder. Mix well.

Delicious fried chilly potato Roast is ready for serving.


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