Naruneendi Sarbath recipe

Naruneendi is a good tonic for mental health.It is a good blood purifier.Naruneendi is an important medicinal herb in Ayurveda.Naruneendi sarbath is a favourite drink of Karalites.Learn how Naruneendi Sarbath is prepared.You can prepare it in home.It is a healthy drink.


Naruneendi (Sarasaparilla Hemidesmus indicus) is a small erect climbing herbal plant. It is an important medicinal plant in Ayurveda.The root of Naruneendi is a good blood purifier and tonic . It is good for healthy body and mental functioning. It is an effective medicine for the treatment of urinary tract diseases, rheumatism, artritis and skin infections. It is also used in the treatment of gonorrhea, jaundice, leucoderma,insect bites and dysentery. It is very beneficial in gout, arthritis, rheumatic disorders and glandular swellings. Naruneendi root is good medicine for piles with painful bleeding.

The root of naruneendi has pleasant smell and taste. Naruneendi Sarbath (Nannari sarbath ) is a good thirst quenching drink and is a favourite Malayali. It gives a cooling effect to the body.


Naruneendi Syrup Recipe

Naruneendi Root (2 inch length pieces) - 3

Sugar - 500gm.

Water - 7 glasses (or water required to make a syrup)

Egg - 1


1) Soak Naruneendi root pieces in one glass of water for 6 to 8 hours.

2) Crush soaked roots and add to 7 glasses of water taken in a vessel.

3) Add sugar to the above mixture. Boil in medium flame to make syrup. Stir well continuously.

4) When the mixture becomes medium thick, pour egg to it. Stir well. This is done to remove dirt from syrup.Now you can see brown coloured froth above the syrup. Allow to boil for 1 minute. Turn off stove and drain the syrup.

5) Healthy, delicious Naruneendi syrup is ready. Keep it in glass bottles. You can store it for 6 months. Take care, don't keep it in Refrigerator, it will crystallize. Take a vessel, add water to the vessel. Keep the syrup bottles in this vessel in normal room temperature.

Naruneendi Sarbath is a mixture of Lime juice and Naruneendi syrup.It is a good thirst quenching healthy drink. It has a cooling effect. It has medicinal value also. It is good for indigestion problems.

Let us see how Naruneendi Sarbath is prepared.

Naruneendi Sarbath Recipe

Lemon - 1

Naruneendi syrup - ¼ glass

Cool Soda - As required


1) Squeeze lemon to a glass.

2) Add Naruneendi syrup to it.

3) Fill the glass with cool soda and mix well using a spoon.

4) Naruneendi Sarbath is ready to serve.

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