Grama panchayat
Grama panchayats are local government at the micro or village level in india.It can be set up in villages with minimum population of 300.
Grama panchayats are local government for micro level development(local self government).In India there are 265,000 grama panchayats .It can be set up in villages with minimum population of 300.If the population is less than 300, then two or more villages are clubbed together to form group grama panchayat.Panchayath president have supreme power in panchayat.
President should be a full time member.They are empowered to suspend any other person, subjected to enquiry, under the local government bodies.Elected members from wards are selecting the president.
Functions of panchayat
Planning for economic development
maintaining social justice
infra structural facilities to local people
sustainable development