Muziris Heritage Project

Kerala has a past history of contacts with other nations, mainly through trade.Those foreigners when leaving this country left several reminiscences here which include buildings, worshiping places, cultural influences, etc. All these still remain in certain selected areas. Conservation of them will definitely be useful gor the posterity

Muziris Heritage Project.

Kerala's history always are retold connecting the trade with Dutch, Arabs, English, Portuguese, Jews, Roman's, etc. It was the natural entry points from the sea - ports formed by nature - that helped the foreigners to come to this coast. The special produces, both natural and man made attracted them more and more to continue trades with the rulers of this part of the country. Spices, gold, precious stones and textiles were the major attractions.

Muziris (near the present Kodungallur) was one major port at that time. Naturally, the visitors developed that area according to their needs. The archaeological findings and the excavations conducted there point towards the developments of that area in the past, and gives an idea about the history of our State around 2000 to 3000 years back. It also gives light to the religious, cultural and social set up of that period.

Kerala Government have initiated a large project with the financial support of Rs.41 crores from the Central Government (the biggest allocation for a conservation plan of this type). The project aims at restoring the 'Muziris Heritage' and making it an attractive area for those who are interested in the history and heritage of a country. The Heritage site covers the Kodungalur Taluk in Thrissur District and the North Paravur Taluk in Ernakulam District. The project aims at renovating and maintaining different old structures there, so that they can be opened to the public. In the first phase, the Paliyam Kovilakom, Paliyam Nalukettu, two synagogues and two archaeological sites (that at Pattanam and Kottapuram) will be made accessible to the public.

These museums are planned in such a way that a person interested in knowing the history of this part of the country gets all details including the cultural history. The ancient art and cultural forms also will be developed as part of the project. The plan is to make it a study centre rather than a tourism attraction.

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