Lavana Thailam from Ayu Care product

This piece of information is about Lavana Thailam from Ayu Care product of Kerala that helps many by using it once in a day for at least two to three months. Lavana Thailam is helpful for those who has belly or suffering from extra muscles and by using Lavana Thailam they can reduce their weight and belly etc.

About Lavana Thailam:

Lavana Thailam is an oil product from Ayu Care company of Kerala, Ayu care company is manufacturing few products of health care and one of them is this Lavana Thailam.

How Lavana Thailam helps for fatty?

Lavana Thailam is made from few ingredients including rock salt and other herbal products - as a result, it reflect as normal oil plus little lubricant type. As we have seen many people surrounded us that they are fat or moderate fat or suffering from their stomach / belly weight, for those it helps a lot by using it daily one time for at least two to three months.

As stated, Lavana Thailam from Ayu Care product of Kerala, my colleague was suffering from fat and he did practice, excercise, took tablets and diet etc. for a long time but nothing worked out for him, it is true story that he stop all those thing for few years and suffered continously for few months, one fine day, one of our new colleauge introduced Lavana Thailam and verbally guided him well about it that guideline even you can get from that product pack itself.

He used to apply Lavana Thailam once in a day for more than three months. Lavana Thailam was helpful for him and we used to recommend to those who has belly or suffering from extra muscles.

You may try it and it has no side effect.

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