Kerala PSC Exams 2011-New Challgenge to aspirants
Kerala PSC Exams 2011 will prove to be litmus tests for those aspiring first time to write this exam.
Public exams are itself a greatest challenge to the students. And Kerala PSC Exams 2011 is the testing time for aspiring students who yearn to have a government job.
Students must make much preparations to write this exams successfully. They must attend mock tests and self assessment of themselves is also most important.
Knowing current affairs and basic general knowledge is always the requisite for the students who want to excel in this examination.
Students must note that they have to answer for a large number of questions with in a short time. For example as per Kerala PSC exam pattern they will get only less than one minute for answering one question (100 questions to be answered with in one hour and fifteen minutes). The experiences of the many students as well as many selected candidates show that they should have 90 or above correct answer out of 100 questions to get a call for interview.