Email Lottery Scams / Email Lottery Hoaxes

Email Lottery Scams / Email Lottery Hoaxes have become common on the internet. Scam mails are sent to unsuspecting users informing that they have won a fabulous prize amounting to millions of US dollars / GBP. Some prominent scam lotteries are Microsoft Lottery scam, Microsoft Email Lottery scam, Internet Dutch Lottery scam, European Lottery scam, Google Gmail International lottery scam, UK National Online Lottery Program and Micro Lottery International scam.

Email Lottery Scams / Email Lottery Hoaxes

E-mail scams of various types have become widespread on the Internet. Gullible and less-informed internet users are often the targets of these unscrupulous operators. These scam mails come in different varieties. There are email
lottery scams, inheritance scams or some harebrained business proposals to lure the unsuspecting person into their trap.

How the Scam works

A typical scam mail starts with the information that the person has won an email lottery or some other kind of fraudulent prize, and requests for his / her personal details. After a few correspondences to establish their credibility, these operators will ask for bank account details, and will request money payment, ostensibly to meet the processing charges, to claim the price.

These scammers are using such renowned as names as Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo among others to make believe the unsuspecting person. After the payments are made, the mails will simply vanish. By the time the gullible person realizes that he was cheated, it was too late to do anything. Since most of these scammers are operating on the international turf, it is very difficult to nab them.

A sample scam mail is attached to this post.


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