Extreme Super Moon Full Moon Cycle Perigree
Check this article for extreme supermoon full moon cycle perigree associated with extreme super moon on march 19 2011.
Extreme Super Moon 2011 and Full Moon Cycle Perigree
A new moon or a full moon which occurs when moon is very close to earth. The moon should be at or within 90% of its closest approach to earth in its orbit.The earth moon and sun align in astraight line during new or full moon this alignment is called syzygy. These can happen when moon is at the perigee(closest position) of its orbit. Such a syzygy is called perigee -syzygy and Richard Nolle coined the term supermoon for this perigee- syzygy. Supermoons occur around 4 to 6 times a year on an average. The supermoon on 19th march 2011 is actually the second supermoon of this year. The first one was on January 30th.But this is one among the most extreme supermoons in the last two years.Click here to know about Super Moon 2011
Click here to read about Super Moon 2011 Disaster Prediction