www.seppan.com official website of the world's youngest CEO
Read about www.seppan.com a website of the world's youngest ceo sinduja rajaram.
Sindhuja Rajaram. is a ninth standard student who has been highly praised by the National Association of Software and Service Companies as the world's Youngest Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Seppan is a chennai based company which focus on animation set up in october 2010. Sinduja is now the head of the company who has mastered in 2D and 3D animations.
Contact Address
Seppan Entertainment (P) Ltd, A Venture of First Planet
#807, P.T.Lee Building, 6th Floor
Anna Salai, Chennai-600002
Tel: 91-44-42961000
Fax: 91-44-42961020
Reference: www.seppan.com