Leisure-7 Leisure Time Activities

In this article 7 leisure time activities are described. 7 different small scale business opportunities to add as leisure time activities are included here.

Utilizing leisure time effectively will ease ones mind. All of us are suffering from tension in some or other way. There is a popular saying that an idle mind is devil's workshop. These wording will come true when we are sitting idle, nothing to do in particular, our minds will be recollecting the past incidents happened in our life. In most cases those incidents which we want to forget for some reasons will click in mind and once if we pay a bit attention, then the whole incident will be coming to our mind one by one and will destroy our peace of mind. The physical mind will show this uneasiness either by showing irritation to everything happening around or aggressive tendency toward co-workers, family members or who is nearby. If we fail to control ourselves at that particular moment we may become a suspected psycopath in front of others.

The best possible remedy is avoiding thinking, which is not at all possible by human being, especially while we are travelling long distances. If we are driving a vehicle our self, then no such problem as we will be concentrating totally towards the vehicles and road. That is not the case when we travel by bus or train. We will be freely enjoying the way side sceneries. Since we don't have to concentrate anything, our mind will be wandering here and there. Now-a-days long distance buses and trains are fitted with television and audio systems to avoid boring. Even while watching or listening the programs your mind may wander here and there. In those cases you can think about the happiest moments with family members, co-workers etc. A portion of society who are exposed to boring life, or feeling loneliness is old aged, retired, house wives with lot of servants, physically handicapped, job searching youths and students on vacation.

Methods to overcome loneliness or boring life

No one can work from day break to bed time continuously. We need rest in between. For working class people they can utilize their leisure time which may last of some minutes or an hour to listen TV or favorite songs etc. But for old aged, retired or no work moms, students on vacation etc has to find a suitable hobby to get involved.

Here I suggest some hobbies for all age groups


This is an art and can be done by anyone at any age, provided you have a tailoring machine at home.

Ornament Making

New trends and fashions are emerging day by day. Most of our ladies and girls are much cautious about the matching ornaments for their dress. Cheap ornaments made form coconut shells are widely used. One should have the tools to cut; drill and shape can take up this as a hobby.

Fabric Printing

It is an art of designing plain cloths with fabric paint using stencils. Stencil making and painting process needs practice. There are several agencies giving training in this. You must be well practiced before adopting as a business.

Aquarium Keeping

Another method to work at home during leisure time. One should get enough experience about aquarium size, water condition, water plants, varies fishes, feeding method etc.

Pet Keeping

Keeping pet at home is another hobby. Pet can either be dog, cat, birds or rabbits. One should have better knowledge about varieties and their behaviors, prevention against diseases, precautions against attack etc.


All of us will have some flowering plant in front of our houses, few vegetables out in the courtyard and some potted plants even inside drawing rooms. This shows our interest and care towards plants. You can use your leisure time with these plants. They will keep the environment clean and with them you will keep your mind clean.

Mushroom Cultivation

Mushrooms are considered as natural doctors as it is a medicine for most diseases. They are parasites in nature, which lives on dead organic matters. There are about thousands of varieties of mushroom are available, out of which very few only are edible. It is easy to cultivate mushroom at home. You can make use of hay/straw or saw dust as medium. The seeds can be purchased. If you are taking up this as a hobby you can use at home. The above hobbies can be taken up as a business by anyone irrespective of age or sex. Only thing you need; keen interest and ready to work hard.

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