The need for rainwater harvesting in Kerala
In this article I am trying to explain the reasons of water shortage in summer.An explanation of rain water harvesting is given. Also, some methods of rainwater harvesting is described. We are about to welcome monsoon in Kerala and is expected to start from June onwards. Though we are getting above average rain fall in every year, the ground water level is getting reduced, which results in dry wells and ponds in summer periods.
The need for rainwater harvesting in Kerala
We are about to welcome monsoon in Kerala and is expected to start from June onwards. Though we are getting above average rain fall in every year, the ground water level is getting reduced, which results in dry wells and ponds in summer periods. Previously we had a practice of tilling our land twice in a year, (during edavappathi and thulavarsham), with which the hard surface soil becomes loose, so the rainwater can easily ooze down to the earth, which will increase the ground water level. Nowadays we not only avoided tilling land, but even try to cover the entire surface in out courtyard with concrete, thus preventing the water from getting stored in earth. This is a dangerous situation and if it continues, tomorrow we may have to wait for tanker lorry for drinking water. To avoid such situation, we must be able to store as much water as possible during this monsoon period. Rain water harvesting
It is a process of refilling the ground water.
Methods of rain water harvesting
1. Stop the water from flowing away from our courtyard.
2. Dig 1Mts X 1Mts pit in every 10 meters, in which the rain water will get collected and absorbed in the ground.
3. Divert the water falling from roof to the well. (Be sure to avoid contamination).
4. If possible, concrete storage tanks can be built and water stored in it.
5. Ponds can be repaired to collect water
Now it is time to act. If we ignore this suitable situation now, tomorrow we will have to pay for it.